I had the opportunity to join Marc Binkley and Vassilis Douros, The Sleeping Barber Podcast, along with co-guest Craig Haney, Head of Ventures at AltaML as we chatted about Artificial Intelligence.

I really enjoyed this discussion and the insights that Craig brought to the table around the current state of AI, where it is going and what it will mean for organizations.
A few highlights that I shared:
In the age of AI, I believe 3 things will separate great companies from the rest, these include 1) brand trust, 2) data collection and usage, 3) user experience. I also think that business models will change as many business models are built on the interim steps (think Search) to terms of discovery, where AI will eliminate many of the steps that are designed to generate revenue.
If you are interested in listening to this podcast, check out the links below.
n this week’s episode, we go beyond the ChatGPT-hype cycle to better understand how this new tool could help businesses and leaders. Timestamps & Links below.
Episode Links
Spotify | Apple | Google | Youtube
0:45 – Intro to Craig Haney from AltaML and Darby Sieben from Unbounce
1:39 – AI will not be the death of humanity
2:35 – Artificial Intelligence (AI) is NOT Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
6:18 – What’s creating the hype for AI
8:01 – How UX is fueling adoption
10:17 – What makes AI different from a trend like PokemonGo, Segway, and Alexa voice search
16:27 – What sectors can’t use AI?
19:30 – Why some companies aren’t going all in on AI
24:25 – The intersection of a company’s Big Data and Machine Learning (ML)
25:48 – The challenge of the ChatGPT hype cycle
32:21 – What are the risks to enterprises and how to mitigate them
39:50 – How Unbounce uses AI for landing page conversion rates
42:49 – How AltaML uses AI for clients and what they’re looking for in partners
46:55 – The new job opportunities with AI
49:00 – sylvester.ai: A use case for monitoring cat health
51:50 – How intrapreneurs can use AI to help their company innovate
1:04:10 – Post Pod with Vassilis K. and I
Research & Links
Tom Goodwin This is why AI won’t take your job
Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin from the Center for Humane Technology on The AI dilemma
Eric Siegel AI Hype Cycle is Distracting Companies
Josh, Lokesh, Daniel, and Tojin How Generative AI can Augment Human Creativity