Listen to my Interview with the Real Human Project, Darby Sieben’s Interview with the Real Human Project.

In a remote or hybrid world it can be more of a challenge to replicate those interactions that allow you to better understand your colleagues. Those conversations about your life experiences help to build authentic business relationships and to help recognize the importance of viewing everyone as a person with their own desires, motives, and interests.
I was recently invited to experience The Real Human Project. This is a colloboration between Noah Godfrey and Pema Hegan, two Canadian founders who also built and sold Checkout51 and GigPark.
What’s the problem they are solving?
To help today’s hybrid work teams establish psychological safety, trust, and empathy. Authentic human connection is a way to accelerate performance and productivity.
The project offers organizations and teams a podcast platform where everyone gets their own episode and an opportunity to listen and leave private audio replies for each other.
Imagine … truly understanding someone’s authentic self before your coffee gets cold.
A colleague.
A teammate.
A coach or teacher.
A business partner.
A potential love interest.
The Real Human Project produces AI podcast interviews to help people get to know each other better in 18 minutes.
What is unique is that it’s not about business.
It’s about you.
My discussion with Sam (their AI interviewer) was about where I grew up, my influences both personally and professionally and views that have shaped my personal journey.
These are all things I would share with colleagues through casual discussions, over dinner or drinks or that you naturally share when you work closely with people.
I have attached a highlight clip from my interview to this post.
If you would like a link to the full interview leave a message in the comments below and I will DM it to you.
Try The Real Human Project yourself. When you sign-up use the code DARBY which will give your own free episode that you can share.